Host Tim Kail's mother drops by to live-commentate the January 1st 2015 episode of WWE's NXT.

What begins as an analysis of the Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens' rivalry gradually transforms into a soul-bearing discussion about loss, loneliness, and how human beings can find relief in art-forms like pro-wrestling.

The flow of the conversation naturally follows the three-act structure of The Work of Wrestling podcast; a review, an artistic analysis, and then a personal story.

The Lock-Up (10:00) offers Tim & his mother's immediate reactions to various NXT performers & stories, The High Spot (20:40) is an examination of our need to believe in fictions, our desire to place faith in the idea of good triumphing over evil (including a snippet of Tim Kail's call-in conversation with Steve Austin on The Steve Austin Show), and then, in The Finish (24:46) Tim's mom shares her story, detailing what life is like for a widow, and she offers some words of wisdom for all those who are searching for a purpose. And, true to the form of the show, Tim ties it all back in with professional wrestling. Follow Tim on Twitter @MaximusWrestler.

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