What's your first memory of professional wrestling? That's the impetus for this week's story, and it evolves into a conversation between host Tim Kail and his brother Ben Kail about art, pro-wrestling, and the lasting impression Rocky III left on their lives.

In part one, The Lockup (11:33), Tim Kail reviews the latest episode of NXT and discusses the uncertain state of the WWE's best product. He poses a question to you, the listener, about whether or not his NXT anxieties and his fears about Vince McMahon's wrath are irrational. In part two, The High Spot (18:15), Ben & Tim discuss the effect "quasi-reality" has had on the culture of entertainment, and how "kids today" might be missing out (through no fault of their own) on the power of kayfabe. In part three, The Finish (37:42), Ben shares a story about how professional wrestling, specifically Hulk Hogan as "Thunderlips" in Rocky III, left an unexpected, lasting impression on his life.

Follow Tim on Twitter @MaximusWrestler. Follow Ben on Twitter @BenKail.

If you would like to have your story in the finish of this podcast send an email to

Have a very nice day!