Posts tagged nxt blogs

“Sports Entertainment” is a much-maligned term among professional wrestling purist.

Growing up, I never thought much about the significance of the term.

It just seemed like the WWE’s way of distinguishing its brand of professional wrestling from others. I wasn’t aware of any malice behind the phrase or that “Sports Entertainment” presented itself as superior to the territory “wrasslin business” of old. I didn’t know that it was designed as a means of distancing the WWE from negative public perceptions, steroids scandals, and the like.

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The latest episode of NXT started off with a quick match between Baron Corbin and Solomon Crowe. Baron went over and then got involved in some fisticuffs with Rhyno.

Interestingly, it seems the crowd has finally turned against Baron.

While the incredibly smarky and increasingly obnoxious NXT crowd can be unnecessarily vicious and demanding, the chant “Baron’s Gonna Bore You!” is indicative of the way the character hasn't been permitted to evolve much since his debut many months ago.

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As the Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens rivalry builds toward the next NXT Take Over special the show continues to hit a beautiful stride. Zayn & Owens embody everything that pro-wrestling fans want out of a WWE product in 2015. Their story is grounded in a recognizable, forth-wall nudging continuity informed by reality, a deeply emotional bond founded on brotherhood and athletic competition. They are not superstars fighting to entertain the crowd - they are athletes fighting for a prize, that persistent motivation colored by the deeper, psychological drama of their characters.

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I’ve often thought the best compliment I can give a work of art is that it transports me back to a childlike place of magic and wonder.

We strive to achieve that “kid-again” feeling less because we’re terrified of our own mortality and more because we recognize the purity of a child’s experiences. The untainted mind seems to more fully appreciate and experience life. Art (a book, a film, a painting, a song, a wrestling match) that essentially wipes your insignificant, adult preoccupations away and restores you to that nirvana-like place of purity and joy could be considered a public service; that’s how important that cleansing process is to our lives and why we’ve built our culture around pleasant, inspiring, uplifting fictions. We need these brief excursions into a place where magic exists, where all conflicts inevitably resolve themselves, where love conquers all, and where human beings overcome the psychological traumas and the petty jealousies that plague them daily.

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